Физика 21 века: - Gravitational field of elementary particles
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Gravitational field of elementary particles

This is an electronic translation of the article "Гравитационное поле элементарных частиц" using the online translator Google.

This article was originally written by me for the site "Wikiznanie", but was removed from this site because of: "vandalism". Here I bring the full text of the deleted article unchanged so that you can form your own opinion.

Main article: Gravitation theory of elementary particles

The information in this section of the article is reliable until it has been subjected to vandal corrections.

Since the substance of the universe is the source of gravity, and at the same time the matter consists of elementary particles, then, consequently: the sources of gravity are the elementary particles themselves. Studying elementary particles, physics experimentally established the presence of elementary particles with nonzero quiescent mass of the following electromagnetic fields:

  • The constant electric field,
  • The constant magnetic field,
  • The wave variable electromagnetic field.

The gravitational field of elementary particles is created by their electromagnetic fields, in accordance with classical electrodynamics and the Einstein formula.

    Г - Gravity equation of Gorunovich

These are all the obvious things arising from Classical Electrodynamics - SCIENCE, created by the works of the greatest physicists of the past and the well-known formula of Einstein. Any student a physicist who knows Classical electrodynamics can verify the reliability of this formula by repeating its derivation in the system of Gauss units adopted in classical electrodynamics. The theory of gravity of elementary particles is an alternative to the Quantum Theory of Gravitation, the construction of which we have been promised for decades.

The notation from the field theory of elementary particles is introduced:

    r0~ - the radius of an elementary particle (the average distance from the center of an elementary particle on which the mass of a rotating alternating electromagnetic field is concentrated);
    r~ - the radius of the annular region (in which the alternating electromagnetic field rotates);
    m0~ - is the mass enclosed in an alternating electromagnetic field;
    m=0 - is the mass of a constant electric and constant magnetic field enclosed in the annular region;
    ρ= - the density of matter of a constant electric and a constant magnetic field outside the annular region;
    ρ~ - the density of matter of an alternating electromagnetic field in the annular region;
    Where R - is the distance from the center of the elementary particle to the observation point;
    r - is the distance from the center of the annular region to the observation point (inside the annular region);
    n - is the unit vector.

To simplify mathematical expressions, a free resting elementary particle is located in the (X, Y) plane with the center coinciding with the origin. Z is equal to the height above the plane of the elementary particle.

The intensity of the gravitational field of an elementary particle in the outer region (outside the annular region of an elementary particle):


It follows from the equations obtained that the gravitational field of an elementary particle has symmetry about an axis passing through the center of an elementary particle and perpendicular to the plane of the particle, which is a consequence of the structure of the elementary particle. The gravitational field of an elementary particle does not have a spherical symmetry. The statement that the gravitational field in physics is symmetrical contradicts the data of the gravitation theory of elementary particles, because elementary particles are not balls or a mass that is uniformly spread over the matter, as they are considered by some theoretical constructions that pretend to be the highest achievement of science.

The intensity of the symmetrical component of the gravitational field created by the annular region of the elementary particle in the outer zone (outside the annular region):


In the theory of gravity of elementary particles, naturally, there was no place for gravitons, gravitinos and, of course, the fabulous "Higgs boson", for which an ordinary vector meson is trying to give out with obstinacy worthy of better application. The prevailing view in physics that: "the gravitation and magnetism of any elementary particle begins with the Plank value, where any carriers of gravitation or magnetism are completely excluded" agrees with the Theory of Gravitation of Elementary Particles only in the second part: the carriers of gravity are completely excluded in nature. From the equations it follows that the gravitational field of a free resting elementary particle carries information about the rest mass of the particle, its location in space, the orientation of the spin and its field radius (r 0 ~ ). Obtained by the theory of gravity of elementary particles, the gravitational field equations can be reduced to conventional ones, assuming that the field radius of the elementary particle (r 0 ~ ) is equal to zero, which in nature cannot be point sources of gravitation - is a product of mathematical fairy tales.

The theory of gravity of elementary particles has proved the truth of the postulate of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) about the identity of gravitational and inertial masses. In the case of elementary particles, of which the substance of the universe consists, the gravitational and inertial masses are equal in magnitude and are created by the electromagnetic fields of elementary particles. The limiting case for the theory of gravitation of elementary particles in the macroworld is Newton's law of gravity, consistent with the data of general relativity for real values of the intensity’s of gravitational fields created by elementary particles in the matter of the universe (proton, neutron, electron ...).

In conclusion, I add the definition of "vandalism" from the world Wikipedia: Vandalism is one of the forms of destructive (devastating) deviant behavior of a person, during which objects of art and culture are destroyed or desecrated, Larousse draws attention to the fact that "Vandalism is a state of mind, Which forces to destroy beautiful things, in particular, works of art. " English sources draw attention to the legal aspect of vandalism: "Vandalism is deliberate destruction or damage to private or public property".

I write what corresponds to my KNOWLEDGE of PHYSICS - that is, the TRUTH. If my knowledge, acquired by me from my teachers and myself from the SCIENTIFIC literature and the Internet, does not correspond to reality - it must be proved. With FAIRY TALES, I do not agree, no matter how famous the names and academic degrees behind them were not. I'm a physicist, and the criterion of truth for me is EXPERIMENT.

Scientific substantiation of the equations of Gravitational field of elementary particles

Usually, I do not spend time on links and a detailed explanation for those who do not know the PHYSICS and higher mathematics knowledge within the framework of the physics department program of the university. This time, I will make an exception and explain in great detail how and from what I got the equations of the gravitational field of elementary particles. For those who have relevant knowledge, I apologize for the "excessive" detail. Let's get started.

Studying the structure of matter of our planet and the nearest star-the Sun, physics and chemistry have established that this substance consists of atoms. In addition, physics in the 20th century established that the atom consists of a nucleus and electrons rotating around it. Having discovered the presence of elementary proton and neutron particles in nature, physics has established that they contain atomic nuclei, and that these nuclei contain more than 99.9% of the mass of the entire atom that creates its gravitational field. (The figure is easily obtained by mastering elementary mathematics when comparing the electron mass with the elementary particles that make up the nucleus of the atom.) The initial data can be taken from any reference book on physics but one can take the most up-to-date and most accurate data for measuring the rest masses of the elementary particles that make up an atom from the world Wikipedia. "It follows that the gravitational field of the atom, by more than 99.9%, is created by elementary particles of its atomic nucleus (protons and neutrons). All theories of gravity attributing another origin The gravitational field of the substance contradicts the experimental data of PHYSICS of the 20th century , but only their supporters do not want to reckon with the VERTICLE of NATURE and are fighting the PHYSICS data, poking their ideas into the highest "achievement" of science - which is actually a Deceit in physics.

The atom of matter is not a ball of mass m, but has a definite structure that determines the picture of the gravitational field created by the atom. The pattern of the gravitational field of the atom of matter, more than 99.9%, is determined by the structure of the atomic nucleus and the structure of the elementary particles that make up its structure: the proton and neutron structure. To derive the basic equation underlying the Theory of Gravitation of Elementary Particles, we will use the results of the works of the greatest physicists of the past: Newton, Maxwell, Ampere, Faraday, Einstein - use the Newtonian law of gravitation, the equations of classical electrodynamics (true scientific theory) and the Einstein formula (like me I think, the greatest discovery that allowed me to build the Field Theory of Elementary Particles and the Theory of Gravitation of Elementary Particles). The quantum electrodynamics, developed in the 20th century, I do not refer to the achievements of SCIENCE – but refer to the games of the MIND. You can write any super-fashionable theoretical construction, and then give it out for the highest achievement of "science" - but just the universe there is no business, to the literary creativity of people. In the twentieth century, especially the second half, many such theoretical constructions were invented in the framework of the UNDEFINED statements of quantum "physics".

Recall that physics of the 20th century learned about the proton, the neutron and their electromagnetic fields (the most recent information can be seen in the articles "proton" and "neutron" of the world Wikipedia).

  • The proton has a constant electric field, in the far range corresponding to the field of the elementary electric charge + e.
  • Despite the fact that the total electric charge of the neutron is zero, the neutron has a dipole electric field created by the dipole electric charges, according to the Standard Model + 2e / 3 and -2e / 3, and according to the Field Theory of Elementary Particles + 0.75e and -0, 75e. There is a small discrepancy between the magnitudes of the dipole electric charges, and it is understandable, because only one of the theories is scientific.
  • The proton has a constant magnetic field. The magnitude of the magnetic moment of the proton was measured by physics with a high degree of accuracy, but it turned out to be ANOMALOUS for Quantum "theory" and the expected for the Field theory of elementary particles.
  • The neutron also has a constant magnetic field. The magnitude of the magnetic moment of the neutron was measured by physics with a high degree of accuracy, but it was also ANOMALOUS for Quantum "theory" and the expected for the Field theory of elementary particles.
  • Also the physics of the 20th century established the possession the wave properties of the proton and neutron created by the wave variable electromagnetic field. The existence of a wave-shaped alternating electromagnetic field inside these elementary particles does not contradict the data of the Standard Model. If we sum the masses of the hypothetical quarks from which the proton and the neutron supposedly consist, it turns out that more than 90% of the mass of the proton and neutron is no possesses the quark nature, which agrees with the data of the field theory of elementary particles. The rest of the less than 10% of the mass of the proton and neutron, the Standard model calls "Quarks", creating permanent electromagnetic fields of elementary particles, and the Field theory of elementary particles calls simply constant electromagnetic fields, outside of connection with fairy quarks, which were never found in nature.
  • The proton possesses not only a constant electric field - but a constant dipole electric field created by electric charges of the opposite sign, according to the Standard Model + 4e / 3 and -e / 3, and according to the Field Theory of Elementary Particles + 1.25e and -0.25e. There is a small discrepancy between the values of electric charges, it is understandable, because only one of the theories is scientific, but the second is a very qualitative fit for reality.

Further calculations will be carried out using elements of higher mathematics (those who do not know will have to understand the differentials and integrals) in the absolute physical system of CGS units (centimeter-gram-second) contributing to the understanding of physics. I am not at all embarrassed that today this system of units is considered "OUTDATED" - the laws of nature are NOT "obsolete", but work ALWAYS, and if something works selectively (like fairy interactions within the Standard Model), then it is NOT a law of nature, but mathematical TALE.

According to the Scientific Data of Classical Electrodynamics, the energy contained in an electric field (with intensity E) is equal to:

    dW_E [1]
    U_E [1-2]

and the energy contained in the magnetic field (with intensity H, taking into account that in vacuum: B = H):

    dW_H [2]
    U_H [2-2]

We introduce the density of electromagnetic energy - the ratio of the energy of the electromagnetic field contained in a small volume of space, to the magnitude of the volume of this space. Then for the sum of the electric and magnetic fields (both constant fields and variables) we will have:

    ω [3]

Here it is taken into account that in a vacuum: D = E a B = H.

If the last equation is written with the current international system of SI units, we get:

    ω_СИ [3-2]

I hope you can clearly see the difference, between this equation and the previous one - between "modern" and Scientific. - The international system of SI units introduces additional difficulties in the understanding of physics, here is the physics of the 20th century and came in the quantum dead end.

Now, using the Einstein formula, we get the density of the electromagnetic mass of an elementary particle:


Knowing the mass density, we can calculate the mass of a small volume dv:


But according to the law of universal gravitation (or the classical theory of gravitation of Newton), this mass creates in the surrounding space a gravitational field of intensity:


Where, G - is the gravitational constant. Taking the integral over the whole space of the elementary particle, we get the equation of the intensity of the gravitational field created by the elementary particle, which is the basis of the theory of gravitation of elementary particles that I developed:

    Г - - Gravity equation of Gorunovich

The gravity equation can be written in a more conventional form:


Here emerged one feature of physics. Since the force is a vector quantity, it must be integrated according to the rules for adding vectors at each point. Replacing the vector sum with its scalar equivalent will give an error, especially in the near zone. Symmetry considerations should not replace the laws of nature.

And further, knowing the structure of an elementary particle, which for me is NOT a secret, and possessing a mathematical apparatus, it is not difficult to get the remaining mathematical expressions for the gravitational field of an elementary particle. All this is described in detail in the first part of the Theory of Gravitation of Elementary Particles.

Limit values of the intensity of the gravitational field (Г m), created by the resting elementary particle, for the proton, neutron, electron and electron neutrinos, and are presented in the table. As you can see, with such real values of the intensity of the gravitational field, the effects of general relativity cannot be observed.

Гр. поля

I showed what and how I got, based on the knowledge gained by physics and my own modest knowledge of the microcosm. Any student physicist who has the appropriate knowledge (who knows Classical Electrodynamics, Classical Theory of Gravitation, Einstein's formula and knows mathematical analysis) can easily derive the equation of gravity of elementary particles and thereby verify the reliability of the equation presented above. A scientist physicist who also possesses relevant knowledge should easily cope with this task. As for physicists who do not have such knowledge, the question arises as to the quality of the higher physical education they have received (if they have it, of course). But to be a scientist and to struggle with science is impossible in a normal situation, but if this happens, then a NEW THEORY was born, which rejected some of the former "knowledge" as ERROR and is struggling for the further development of SCIENCE. Is clearly, the desire of supporters of obsolete theoretical constructions, that under the guise of scientific data, issued their own beliefs - therefore, any information that contradicts them is deleted. The article "Gravitational Field of Elementary Particles" of the New Physics was removed from the site "Wikiznanie" the enemy physicist from the site's administrators, without evidence of her fallibility. After its restoration by me, as reliable information, I received a lock on the site "Wikiznanie" with the last warning and the charge of vandalism. Thus it is allowed to write only what does not go beyond the beliefs of Quantum "theory" - but then what relation does this site have to genuine SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE if they are mercilessly to removed. Why it is necessary to prove the presence of electromagnetism in nature to those who have a cell phone in their pocket, at home or at work, a computer, and the food is heated in a microwave which cannot work without electromagnetic fields. "It's just that they do not want to hear what does not suit them." As for the world Wikipedia, it has long since declared me a personal enemy.

Here is a list of "theories of gravity" from the world Wikipedia. It is not difficult to calculate how many of them were invented, but there is only one place for a theory that really corresponds to the nature of nature and why one of the theories of the list should necessarily take it to be.


In times of medieval obscurantism, scientists were burned at the stake, so as not to infect mankind with an infection of scientific knowledge. Today, are the struggle to the science is modern. On offer supporters of the Standard Modell to look at the world from the standpoint of Classical electrodynamics and physics, you hear a short answer: "I do not understand," as if there were no Maxwell, Faraday in the history of physics.

When limited the science, its place is easily occupied by all kinds of FAIRY TALES imitating SCIENCE. And then on the television channels with the prefix Science there are programs propagating pseudo-scientific tales about the big explosion, quarks, gluons, Higgs boson, dark matter, dark energy, gravitons, anti-gravity ... in which there is very little of genuine Science. When at the beginning of the 20th century the adherents of Classical Physics warned about the consequences of the rejection of Evidence-based physics - their, on the euphoria of discovery, did not want to hear. But, as they warned, along with genuine scientific data, a stream of abstract theoretical constructions, studying something of their own and pouring themselves out for the highest achievement of science, poured into physics. Today, who does not know classical electrodynamics, them is difficult to single out genuine scientific knowledge from a huge amount of pseudoscientific junk that imitates science, and publications that earn on science will not help (mathematical TALES penetrated into them, under the guise of modern "achievements"). The mathematical tales of the 20th century have already penetrated even into the school textbooks of physics and are deceiving children. But whatever the authors of the TALE write about, for example, about the Higgs boson, the elementary particle issued instead of the Higgs boson cannot create mass in the Universe, let alone destroy the Universe, which was proved by the theory of gravity of elementary particles. At one time, Einstein called similar fairy tales delirious (he did not live up to the creation of the mathematical fairy tale by Higgs and could not evaluate it), but today such is given for the highest achievement of science and for him they even awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. - What is happening in physics today reminds me of the tale of the Naked King. Accepting ERROR decisions, the Nobel Committee on Physics did NOT act in the interests of Physics. At one time, Alfred Nobel forbade giving Nobel Prize to mathematicians, he could not yet guess at the harm that the mathematical TALES, physics of the 20th century will bring. But in the 20th century a way was found to get around this prohibition of Alfred Nobel and the PHYSICS Prize was started to be nominated for mathematical TALES given for the highest achievements of science, but in reality products of the imagination of their authors and supporters. As a result, instead of development, physics entered the quantum no-go. So well-intentioned "to eliminate injustice" in relation to mathematicians was paved the road, which led to today's REALITY. Can award awarded the Nobel Prize for the "multiplicity of universes" or for "wormholes," for "subspace" in which the Hollywood spaceships "move", thanks to energy drawn from the vacuum. What difference does it make, for what fairy tale is award the Nobel Prize for PHYSICS - the science of the NATURE, but what is just remain them from SCIENCE - probably what the adherents of Classical Physics predicted in the early 20th century.


Formulas [1] and [2] are taken from E.Parsell, Electricity and Magnetism, Science, Moscow (1971). Formulas [3] and [3-2] are taken from the article of the world Wikipedia "The energy of the electromagnetic field." The formula of Einstein is known to whom is attributed. I also hope that are to be know the authorship of the law of universal gravitation.

Information for fighters with Science: If my article were not thrown out of the site "Wikiznanie" - I would not have to defend myself and explain to people that the fooling them. Your collective opinion is still NOT the Law of Nature.


Consider an Einsteinian observer located on the surface of our planet and investigating what he considers the gravitational field of the Earth. He observes a certain physical field, creating in the surrounding space the acceleration of gravity. He ascribes this field to the mass of the Earth and believes that its impact is analogous to the accelerated movement of the observer, with the same acceleration. This is something that the statistics allows the observer to see, or rather its large size, limited and inertia of its senses - but only the reality is different.

The observer does not guess that he is inside a boiling gravitational boiler, where the vector gravitational fields are created by a gigantic amount of elementary particles of matter of the Earth, continuously moving, colliding with each other and creating gravitational waves. The picture seen by the observer and taken for reality and the picture based on reliable knowledge of physics are two completely different pictures. What seemed true, according to scientific evidence of the early 20th century, in the 21st century, thanks to the immense information accumulated by physics about the microcosm, looks quite different.

In nature there is not an abstract mathematical gravitational field of a body of mass m – but is a superposition of vector gravitational fields of elementary particles of matter and these fields are different.

Physics 21 century:

  • Errors in the physics of the 20th century

  • Elementary particles (physics)

  • Gravitation theory of elementary particles

  • Gravitation theory of elementary particles 2

  • Gravitation field of elementary particles

  • Field theory of elementary particles

  • Fundamental interactions

  • Vladimir Gorunovich

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